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Posted By Admin on 07/31/17 - Bookmark Nipple Slip

Why do local women who otherwise have a lot of things going for them look for local sex on ? Now, this is like asking why water is wet or why the sun rises in the east.

You have to understand that local women are women. In other words, they’re human beings, and human beings have basic drives. Just as you need to shit, piss, eat, drink and take shelter, you also need sex. There’s no running away from that basic fact. Sex is a key part of who you are.

Let’s put it this way, if human beings did not have a strong sex drive, the population of planet Earth will probably be around 1,000 people. That’s how important our sex drive is to our survival as a species. It’s hard coded in our genes and there’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.

Now, with that out of the way, it’s really important to understand that local women do look for sex. Some are more discreet than others, some are more subtle, some play the game quite well, but the bottom line is, they’re looking for hot, nasty, sticky, unforgiving, relentless, anonymous, discreet sex action.

So if you understand that there is a lot of local women out there looking to have sex with you, then it all boils down to one basic fact. It doesn’t matter what you look like, it doesn’t matter how big your cock is. None of that shit matters. What matters is whether you believe in yourself.

Because if you believe in yourself, you will have confidence. You believe that you are worthy of getting pussy, and this will be reflected on how you talk, act and your comfort level around women. This can increase your chances of getting laid not just once in a while, not just getting fucked once in a blue moon like an elephant, no. I’m talking about consistent action. That’s where you need to be.

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